Monday 19 October 2015

Value Range: Preparing Market Research

I have written 11 questions which encompasses everything I want to know about brands and value ranges. I have tried to keep the questions short and simple to stop confusion and also to stop it dragging on. I will test the questions on people I know before asking the general public, this will clarify that the questions are worded correctly and are clear in what they are asking. The order of the questions have been carefully considered so that it is logical. Below are the questions each accompanied with a few sentences explaining why I want to ask that question.

1. What supermarket do your weekly shop at?
This is a nice introductory question, it is easy to answer and should help put the respondent at ease. Knowing where respondents shop will give more context to their other answers, for example if they do their weekly shop at Waitrose then they are extremely unlikely to by value range products (Waitrose essentials doesn't count!). Where as if they do their weekly shop at Aldi or Lidl it would suggest they aren't bothered by brands but are more influenced by cost.

2. Are you loyal to any brands? i.e Only drinking Coca-Cola or using Heinz ketchup over cheaper alternatives?
The aim of this question is to find out what brands people are loyal to. I think people will be loyal to brands without even realising, that is why I have included two common examples - this will clarify what I mean as well as giving the respondent a starting point. The answers will give me a range of popular brands to research in more depth.

3. Why do you think people are loyal to brands? What makes them better?

This is a follow up question to number 3, I want to know why people prefer brands and what makes them better? I have my own opinions but I want to see if they are inline with the publics views. I wanted to ask why people are loyal to brands over just questioning the respondents loyalty incase they personally aren't loyal to any brands. I want everyones opinion on this, not just people who answered yes to question 2.

4. Does the packaging design affect your opinion of a product and even your decision to purchase it?
This question is a good link between the design of brands and the design of value ranges. I am interested to hear the results because I think even if people say the design does not influence them, subconsciously it probably does. Asking about the value range after will either confirm or contradict this answer, for example, people may say no design does not influence them but later go on to say they wouldn't by the value range because it looks cheap. 

5. Do you buy/use the supermarkets own value range?

This question will give context to the following questions, e.g. people who use the value range will probably have a very different opinion of it compared to those who have never tried it before.

6. What do you think of value products?

This question is focusing solely on what the individual thinks, whether they rely on value products or would never consider using them, I want to hear what they honestly think.

7. What associations do you think others have in relation to value products?

This is to gage what people think everyone else is thinking, partly because people tend to conform to general views in order to fit in. It will be interesting if there is a similarity or difference between what they personally think and what they think others opinions are. It will also help to highlight the main problems with the value range, if there are negative associations then this question and the previous one will reveal them. 

8. If people show a dislike towards a product with no particular reasoning, does this make you less likely to use it?

This aim of this question is to figure out if the respondent is heavily influenced by those around them. This is a regular occurrence and would be useful to know in relation to the value range as it would help to explain why some people wouldn't try the value range or have it in their basket; a fear of running into another mum from school with a collection of value products in their basket.

9. What value product's would you be least likely to buy/try?

After reading the netmums answers I noticed that a recurring response was negativity towards value meat. I want to find out what are the least 'reliable' value products.

10. If you have children: Do you think your children would be picked on for having value range products in their packed lunch?
This is only aimed at parents, I am interested to see if parents are worried about what value products would say about their family and if being picked on at school because of them is a genuine concern or even problem.

11. If the value range was designed better would people be more likely to use them?

I think if the value range had a nicer design then people would be more willing to try them and be seen using them, especially if the design removed the negative perceptions. It will be interesting to see if people agree or if they think the problem with the value range is deeper routed.

This questionnaire is more qualitative than quantitive because I am not looking for a bulk of results, instead I will just ask a range of different people to see what they think. I am more interested in their opinions than getting results that I can easily analyse. The point in undertaking this research is to reveal peoples opinions and feelings about value products, if I can outline some of the main issues then I have a problem to solve.

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