Tuesday 26 January 2016

Time Management: Extended Practice Briefs

I want to use Extended Practice to develop a range of skills and different examples of work to fill my portfolio. I want to have a few shorter briefs which will be for clients who need business branding. I feel this is important because in industry I will have to work on briefs that do not interest me and I will not fit in the target market group. It will be beneficial for me to undertake briefs that don't require a 'trendy' design but make me actually think about who the end user of the business will be and how the design would appeal to them. This will also be really good because the designs will actually be used and seen in the real world! 

I want to have longer running self initiated briefs and also set briefs by YCN or another company. One thing that I noticed after looking through a range of job applications was that they need the junior designer to be able to manage smaller scale and longer products simultaneously. By doing a range of quicker client set briefs alongside the longer ones will help to prove I can manage working on several different projects at once.

YCN - The Saucy Fish Co.
I really like the sound of this brief because it will challenge me as a designer to think about shelf appeal and about structural design. The packaging ideally will go straight in the microwave, this will affect how it stands and is dismantled as well as what materials are used to create the packaging. This brief would give me a good opportunity to show conceptual work and detailed sketches as it may not be possible for me to actually create the final outcome so the sketches will need to be clear, explanatory, and accurate.

RSA - Making It Inclusive 
The point of this brief is to design a way to enable more people to enjoy the benefits of making. I really enjoy craft and making so I think this would be a brief which I would really get into. The brief offers a vast opportunities for potential outcomes, it is really down to me to interpret it how I want. I feel like people are put of off crafting because of lack of resources and creative ideas, I could create a campaign that uses everyday items that most people will have lying around the house and repurpose them into something creative.

Olivias Deli
This will be a collaborative brief to design packaging and design for a deli bar in Exeter. It will be an interesting brief as it will need a design which not only appeals to the target market but can be applied to a range of different packages from smoothies to sandwiches.  

Value Range
This is a brief I have started already where I am redesigning the Sainsbury's value range. Mainly because I strongly believe that packaging design affects the shoppers view of the product. I want to use this brief to remove the negative associations within basic ranges and show that just because the products cheap doesn't mean its bad.

Integrity Windows
I have begun branding a double glazing company. This is only a short project and should run for a few weeks.

I will also look for briefs that package drinks, health and beauty, and FMCG. 

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