Thursday 4 February 2016

Value Range: Veg

I wanted to create a design that could be printed onto a plastic bag for the carrots, parsnips and potatoes. I am unsure about how I will actually print this out or whether I will just present it as an idea as I don't have the facilities to print on plastic. 

I began by drawing out a carrot and parsnip with ink to match the same style as the chicken previously drawn. This will help to keep the branding of the range cohesive. 

I experimented with how the illustrations could be placed on the bag. Initially I started by placing them in a line however this isn't overly eye catching or interesting to look at. I then began thinking that if I could make a pattern out of the veg then this would be a style that could continue on the other packages - again making it more cohesive. 

Here both bags have been mocked up on Indesign, I will add in necessary nutritional value to the bottom right corner of the bag. The illustrations create a stronger effect visually when used in a pattern, the bag would be see through and the veg in the bag would show through. This will also add more colour as the parsnips and carrots will become the backdrop to the illustrated pattern. The orange either side of the white space subtly reemphasizes that it is a Sainsburys product as well as making the corresponding orange type stronger. 

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