Monday 29 February 2016

Time Management: Where I am

I've decided to enter a YCN brief. There is one for Feel Good drinks which sounds really interesting. I am aware that I have less than a month until the deadline and with hindsight I would have started this a lot earlier but hey ho here I am. The brief has been intentionally has left quite open so that a range of responses can be submitted. This means that I can re-design the packaging but also come up with a concept to run a campaign alongside it. 

It also ticks other boxes because one of the things I decided I really wanted to do this year was beverage packaging. I did J2O last year which was good and really sparked my interest, however I didn't have any theoretical knowledge to support or influence my designs. It will be interesting to see if their is an obvious improvement between J2O and Feel Good Drinks after more experience and mainly, after CoP and everything I have learnt. 

Now that hyperloop is finished I can really put all my energy and concentration into the extended practice briefs. Today I have registered with Starpack and paid the submission fee so that I can enter Impactful Packaging, I have also emailed someone about getting some carton board samples. I am currently working on a redesign for Nestlé's Walnut Whips, I know that I cannot afford to spend a large amount of time on this project (as the deadline is the 14th of March) so instead of exploring a few possibilities I will continue working on my chosen idea. I have 2 weeks until the week of the deadline so I want to use the next half of the week to keep working on the design and create mock ups. Then I will use the following week to print everything and photograph it, as well as making design boards in support of the package. I want to get it finished pretty soon so that I can potentially carry out my own market research and find out if people would be more likely to buy it with the new packaging. Also I would love to be able to snap a few pictures of the mock up in a real retail environment like Sainsbury's or Morrisons.

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