Wednesday 17 February 2016

Nestlé: Possible Product

I am hesitant to pick a famous or well known Nestlé product like Malteasers, simply because I will not be able to match their existing marketing. The packages are well known and more importantly, are successful! People are well aware of what products they are and a radical new packaging would remove the elements that make the brand successful/recognisable. 

Instead I am thinking of taking an older product such as the Walnut Whip, which used to be very popular but has died down. This way I can make the brief not only about shelf impact, but use my new packaging design to test whether more people would stop look at it and buy it. 

The packaging isn't overly great, it doesn't stand out at all to me. This would give me a lot to work with because I can reconsider what type, colours, and shape would help to present a stronger visual image. 

The product itself looks delicious and needs packaging which makes people want to try it. 

The next steps is to find it in the supermarket and
• look at who its competitors are
• what category is it positioned in
• shelf height etc....
• and most importantly a taste test

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