Monday 29 February 2016

Nestlé: Packaging Mock Up

I decided to mock up the design I had so far onto the packaging before doing a test print on Thursday. I copied the packaging template from a book however the imagery wasn't overly clear to how the final package would look.

I didn't realise that the packaging would have a flat bag, whilst I actually prefer this it doesn't fit the shape of the chocolate.  
As you can see the chocolate comes out through the whole. To keep this style of packaging and make it so that the chocolate fits would mean substantially increasing the height of the back wall. This isn't something I want to do as it will take up more shelf space and more room transporting. One of the main things I wanted to do with this brief was create a package that didn't use excess material or be bigger than it has to be (like the current packaging).

The image above gives you an idea of what aesthetic I was going for, however now that it is printed it isn't as strong visually. The type could be a lot bigger! seeing as this brief is about shelf impact I want it to be a lot clearer. When I was designing I could clearly see it because I was so close, however since making the package and viewing from a distance all the information needs to be clearer, bigger, and bolder. I really like the colours used, the blues create a strong impact whilst also keeping assosiations with the traditional design. However I am going to experiment with adding in small amounts of red to contrast the blue. The window cut outs are too big, they take up too much space leaving little room for the rest of the design. I would like to keep some aspect of see through as it will tempt people into buying the product, however I will rethink what shape it should be to maximise space.


This is the back of the packaging, I quite like where the design is going but will continue to work on it as its not there yet. I wanted the back to be a break down of the Walnut Whip, describing each aspect of the chocolate and tempting people into trying them.

The packaging template I used didn't really work either. For some reason I ended up with this gap at the bottom. From here I will work on designing my own package structure so that it will 1. be completed and 2. not have a straight back. 

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