Monday 1 February 2016

Time Management: 3 Week Plan

I have decided to make a 3 week plan so that I can organise my time better. I want to have a good body of work done for next week for the portfolio surgery, I also want to start emailing companies about work experience so this is a real push factor to get more work finished. 

On the week commencing the 15th we have portfolio help, by this date I want to have finished Integrity Windows so that extended practice will have one brief fully finished. I also want to make a lot of progress with the value range as I begun this back in September, if I can get it finished in February it will give me more time to start other larger projects. By the 15th I want to have my portfolio template set out, I don't mind if this completely changes as the year goes on but I want to have a basic structure which I can send to companies when asking about work experience. If I can have at least 4 pieces of work in the portfolio this should be enough when contacting companies, it will give them a taste of my work, style and thought process. By this time I also want to have my CV completed so that I can send it to companies.

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