Saturday 13 February 2016

Nestlé: Research

Carton Board
I want to research into other designs with carton board so that I get an idea of the sort of stuff I can produce. I always find it useful seeing what other work has been produced because it tends to spark ideas off.

I love that this chocolate box looks traditional, until it is opened. The sides coming out creates a box for sharing chocolates whilst still being easy to reassemble.

Again, I like the idea that it is popping open ready to be passed around. This design is interesting as they have used the folds in the carton board to provide extra strength and protection to the packaging.

I quite like this style, having a box which opens out into two halves. The design is compact and unique which makes it memorable. However the real wow factor is the inside of the packaging - something which would not be seen on the shelf.

The box pops open which fits in with the design style, the bright colours inside the lid are a nice touch as they correspond with the main design and inject colour and life into the product.

Almost like a pillow box but on each side. This isn't something I have really seen before although it seems quite easy. I really like this design, its unique packaging makes it grab your attention - you want to pick it up just to see the packaging.

I liked this packaging because it could all be assembled without glue just through tucks and folds. 

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