Thursday 10 March 2016

Feel Good Drinks: Box Idea

I came up with an idea to encourage people to buy more Feel Good Drinks and share it with their friends. A sturdy box would hold two bottles for the consumer to buy, the statement "Sharing feels good*...*but so does keeping them to yourself"  is light and playful, joking with the shopper that whilst buying the pack and sharing with a friend feels good, it also feels good to have them to yourself.
I played around with belly band ideas which would hold the two bottles together as this is common in the drinks category however I decided that going with a cardboard box would break the mould and stand out amongst competitors. The box uses vibrant pink and yellows to catch the shoppers eye, the type is in keeping with the poster range and the label designs.

Above shows the first design I was happy with, I wanted to mock it up into a box shape on Photoshop to get an idea of how it would look. The side of the box would have the 3 main selling points: 1 of your 5 a day, 100% natural ingredients and no added sugar. This informs potential shoppers what the products point of difference is from the competition as well as giving the shopper rational reasons to buy the box of drinks.

The back of the box would contain a blurb about Feel Good Drinks. One of the things the brief mentioned was that the target market are well educated and marketing savvy; this blurb would explain who they are and what is so good about the drinks. The tone of voice is personal and friendly, it tells an upbeat message which speaks honestly to the target market.

After mocking up the box out of a cereal box I was able to make adjustments and create a new net. The new net was drawn onto corrugated cardboard as this is a lot stronger and will be able to carry the weight of the two bottles.

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