Thursday 3 March 2016

Feel Good Drinks: Campaign Poster Idea

After coming up with the Feel Good Feeling concept, I have decided to begin working on a campaign poster to support it. The idea behind the campaign was to extend the feel good brand values past just a drink and make it a way of life. I wanted to create a bold eye catching poster which encourages the target market to acknowledge and appreciate the daily feel good moments.

The colours will be chosen dependent on the drink featured in the poster, for example the one above is cloudy lemon so I have chosen a yellow and green to compliment the fruit. I made the #feelgoodmoments yellow to match 'laughing' as this is the key word in the sentence. 

The poster range could imply the situation in which the target market would drink it. For example "tears from laughing so hard/much" would imply a social situation; catching up and laughing with friends. The statement is positive, it implies having a good time which is something I want to associate with Feel Good Drinks.

The background is a grey, I wanted quite a dark background so that the type would stand out. I am aware that the brand is being promoted as healthy and black is not usually a colour that says healthy, however this background would just be used for the campaign. The posters would be displayed in bus stops etc.. so people will see them passing by, Black with bright colours is visually a lot stronger and more eye catching. 

The range of type faces creates a 'hand rendered' style which fits in with the fun, no fuss, positive personality of the brand. I originally wanted to do something by hand but I wanted to create it quickly so that I would be able to show it at the crit tomorrow.

I have added in a 1 of your 5 a day as I think this is a massive selling point. As someone who is in the target market this would really catch my eye and be a huge selling point. A fun and exciting drink which is good for me and even counts for one of your 5 a day!

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