Wednesday 2 March 2016

Nestlé: Creating a packaging net design

The back of the packaging with a tuck flap

Triangular side of the packaging

Packaging fully opens up when untucked

I redesigned the packaging so that the triangle meets in the middle and fits around the chocolate better. I made my own template and have extended the top so that it tucks into the other side of the triangle. This has got me thinking about whether I could design the packaging to assemble together without any glue, this would be greener and make assembling and flat packing the package easier.

With the new dimensions for the package, I began playing around with the design. I wanted it to be eye catching from a distance and use the original packaging blue with a contrasting red or yellow to draw the eye in. However I don't like any of the back designs, I really need to work on the colour palette to make it more engaging and interesting.

Using different tones of blue, increasing lines were made from the centre point to draw the viewers eye in. I think this is quite affective especially with the contrasting yellow and red type. I have mocked the design up quickly into a triangular package format so that you could see how it would look. The yellow circle would frame a cut through hole allowing the viewer to see into the box and see the chocolate. The design still needs work on the back sides, the type needs to be bigger and visually descriptive - the word crunchy needs to look more crunchy! 

I will finish this as one idea but I want to explore a few different visual options as my concern with this design is that the colours are too dark and not exciting enough. 

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