Sunday 13 March 2016

Nestlé: The Final Package

Overall I am really happy with the quality of the print onto the carton board stock, James in the print room was sceptical it would work but the colours have come out really well especially in comparison to my test print on ordinary card. The shine of the stock makes it look more professional as if it were going to be displayed in the supermarket. The white and yellow stand out really well on the blue making it clear to read from a distance. 

The rich dark blues were chosen to evoke a feeling of nostalgia by mimicking the original wrapper colours. The blue was also chosen so that the packaging would stand out on a shelf surrounded by its competitors; darker blues aren't as common in the confectionary isle. The dark background means that the yellow, red, and white jump off the package catching the shoppers eye. Yellow and white were chosen for the type and accentuations because their strong contrast with the blue backing makes it clear and easy to read from a distance.

Three main fonts were used for the design: Sigmar One, Movus Brush Pen, and Cheddar Jack. The fonts were chosen to compliment and emphasise the descriptive words such as 'crunchy' and 'fluffy' with the aim of giving the design more character and personality.

The triangular shape was chosen so that it would fit the shape of the whip a lot better than the previous packaging design. Now the packaging structure is no longer chunky and cumbersome but well fitted to the product inside. Transportation was also considered when deciding on the package; triangles are known to be the strongest geometrical shape making the package more durable, and the product better protected, during transporting. The packages structure means that it will stack and pack efficiently in both in boxes and on the shelf.

Above you can see the new design next to the older version; it takes up less space, fits the product better, uses less material and is more eye catching. I don't have time to take pictures of it before the Starpack hand in but I will make another box to photograph for my portfolio and the Extended Practice hand in.

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