Wednesday 2 March 2016

Feel Good Drinks: Concepts

Idea 1 - Spreading feeling good
The brief states the target market is females age 18- 35, from my CoP primary research and my general knowledge women in this category are social and active, they enjoy being in a group dynamic. This could form the basis for a campaign "spread feeling good" where part of the packaging could break into two so you can give part of your FGD to a friend or someone who needs to feel good, OR even been kept for a 'feel good top up'.

Idea 2 - #feelgoodfeeling
The campaign could be based around having that feel good feeling and as well as promoting the drinks it could relate to every day little feel good moments. "What gives you that feel good feeling?" engages the audience and uses social media to encourage the target market to acknowledge and appreciate even the small good feelings. The campaign could be focused on a feel good mind set, applying it to everyday life to support a positive outlook; this would fit in with the brand's upbeat personality.

A range of posters could use everyday good feelings:
• Tears from laughing so hard
• Sitting down after being on your feet all day
• Finding out something is cheaper than you thought
• Realising its Friday

Captions which will make females in the audience think "ah that is such a good feeling".

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