Sunday 13 March 2016

Nestlé: Editing the Package Design

I veered off from my original design and experimented with a range of different possibilities however none of them were any better. I was just getting frustrated so I decided to go back to the original design and work on making it stand out more rather than starting from scratch especially since there is less than a week to the deadline. 

This was the original back design, I like what was beginning to happen with the type becoming reflective of the words they were, for example the font for fluffy makes the word look fluffy. However words like delicious were not having the same effect. 

I introduced a 3rd font called Cheddar Jack, this is far more appropriate to display the idea of deliciousness.  The font has also worked great for the extra bits of descriptive text as it compliments both the pre-existing fonts. I made some of the words white instead of yellow to make the words stand out, when they were all yellow the type just merged into one. 

I experimented with adding a white light behind the shape to make the chocolate stand out more, the eye is naturally drawn into the light. 

This is the final template that I have created read for print on Thursday. The design is a lots stronger visually compared to the original packaging. The yellow triangular sides compliment the type and frame the design. The colour palette reflects that of the original packaging, evoking a feeling of nostalgia and love for the original childhood chocolate.

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