Friday 4 March 2016

Feel Good Drinks: Crit with YCN

The crit today was a lot more useful than I was expecting because I only started the project a few days ago so didn't really feel like I had enough work. However the feedback I received was really useful and has spurred me on. I took the two posters above to the crit with me as a starting point to get feedback.

The first thing that was mentioned was the black background - this is something I have been unsure of.  Perhaps black isn't the best colour for the background as it isn't associated with healthy. They also suggested changing the 1 of your 5 a day, instead of having that on each one using a different benefit each time. Overall they really liked the campaign and the feedback I received was useful.

Since then I have experimented with brightening up with posters making them lighter. Tints have been chosen to compliment the drink flavour, this works a lot better as the design is gentler and appears to be more healthy. However the colours on the right poster are still too weak, you would not be able to see them from a distance.

I have applied the poster to a bus stop to see how it would look in context. Again, I like the design but it needs tweaking just the colours and the size of the text. I think this is something I will come back to once I have started exploring the label design.

I have also created a third poster to complete the series, this poster uses much more vibrant colours which is more positive and fitting with the brands message. I will try to get the other posters to have the same impact as this one.

Another idea I had and quickly mocked up was a poster promoting the whole range saying "you can have your cake and eat it". I am not happy with this design so won't continue it for now, but hopefully it will be of use in the future.

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