Monday 7 March 2016

Feel Good Drinks: Label Experimentation

After the successful crit with YCN in I have decided to put the poster design's to one side and begin working on the label. The label needs to be versatile so that it will work across a range of flavours, it should also be clear and easy to read from a distance; the design needs to catch peoples eye and hold their attention. 

I wanted to maintain the fun, upbeat personality that came across in the poster series, for that reason I decided to continue with the same fonts. I began playing around with different shapes for the bottle label and how the type would sit in it. Yellow on white is illegible; it is hard to read up close let alone from a distance on a shelf! Inverting the yellow and white makes the logo look cheerier and more energetic, however it still suffers with the same problem. 

Working with an archway shape provided enough space for all the information. An oval was added to the top centre of the shape to accommodate the logo linking the product to the brand. The logo worked best in pink on the yellow as it is the clearest and best contrast. Artistic brushes were added to the stroke of to make the logo visually more hands on and creative. The yellow type on the black both stands out from a distance and is clear to read, the black contrasts the yellow making this pop out which emphases the lemon flavour.

Experimenting with the yellow shape of the label so that more yellow frames the black. In the end the white was removed which suddenly made the label a lot stronger visually. The white was acting as a barrier between the yellow and black and was unnecessary. 

Ready to print - the front and back label with an extra label to attach to the lid and down the bottle. All the designs have a yellow bleed around.

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