After the photoshoot I realised I could extend the project and make a couple of posters using the images captured to promote the box and drinks.
Taking the caption from the box and simply laying it over the image. This works but it doesn't fit in with the vibrancy and colour of the rest of the campaign. The second sentence is also too hard to read because of how small it is.
Changing the background from the original image to a pink compliments the yellow of the lemons and label design. The type has been changed to match that of the box, using two different fonts has made the message a lot clearer. The secondary follow up sentence has been changed to "but when something tastes this delicious, you might want to keep it to yourself" this almost challenges the shopper to try and share it, implying that they won't be able to.
This was a poster I was playing around with at the very beginning before I had such a set colour palette and design style. I liked and still like the slogan "you can have your cake and eat it!" in relation to the drink because it is the best of both worlds. The slogan also plays on the target markets view of food; they don't count calories instead just eat in balance, meaning they do enjoy cake and other unhealthy food. Returning to the design, I realised I could just use the slogan and general message to advertise the box for two.
I played around with a few different layouts for the poster experimenting which information was most important - the slogan or the benefits. It has been interesting to combine an image I have taken with type to create an advert as this isn't something I have done before. Since using the photography studio any photographs I take tend to be final images, however as with this project, I am trying to incorporate my own images into the design.