Wednesday 4 May 2016

Time Management: The Final 10 - whats left?

I have finalised all the briefs now so here they are in chronological order:
1. Value Range
2. Autonomous. Co
3. Integrity Windows
4. Nestlé
5. Feel Good Drinks
6. Secret 7
7. River Cottage menu
8. Ringtons Tea
9. Feathr
10. Olivia's Deli

I also have the DR Me brief which will count as a visiting professional one I guess. 
Originally I was going to do a cosmetic brief and ecover but I've decided that these are briefs I can always do after uni to extend my portfolio. I've decided instead to use the time I dedicated to those two briefs to extend the Walnut Whip, Sainsbury's Savour and Ringtons Tea. I feel that this is a much better use of my time as this will be more beneficial for my portfolio and hense hopefully more useful when it comes to getting a job! I want to be able to show that I can design more than packaging, and whilst I can use packaging as a starting point, extending the project will show that I can design in other formats. Extending the projects into campaigns will also show conceptual skills and my idea generation, the fact that I can see the bigger picture and consider who I am targeting with the advertising and what makes it different from all the other brands out there.

With the campaigns some what started, I only really have to work on Olivia's deli and the campaigns oh and my self branding and portfolio. Dropping the other two briefs I was going to do will give me a hell of a lot more time to work on my portfolio getting it perfect for industry, I feel like if I am confident about my designs and how they are layed out then I will be a lot more confident when talking about them.

I still feel like I have enough time to knock out one more brief, I wanted to use the last three weeks to design something that will actually help someone and be of use! I have contacted a friend who is beginning a business on the side making arty bits and selling them on. They currently don't have any branding or packaging so I feel like this is something I can really help in, plus I think having an identity will really help to sell their products. I am waiting to hear back about the smaller details but will begin this project over the next few days.

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