Friday, 6 May 2016

Value Range: Typography Poster Ideas

Using the first one as an a starting point I wanted to create a few more typographical posters. Purely typography based posters are rare when it comes to promoting a supermarket as they all have pictures of their products, my thinking behind it is that it promotes the Savour's no-fuss, honest personality. It isn't necessarily about the products or what you buy it is about you as an individual and having enough money left over to spend it on things that are important to you. This honest approach to advertising should break the boring supermarket mould and appeal to the individual.

Bread and butter is an idiom which implies the essentials e.g "I need to go to work its my bread and butter!. It also works in a supermarket context as the poster could be read in two ways; firstly, quite literally we have bread and butter! and secondly, it reassures consumers that Sainsbury's has all the essentials covered - everything you need to survive the Savour selection can provide. This promotes the whole point of the value range; the essentials.

This was another idea, although the type still needs to be worked on. Very simple and honest statement, which gets straight to the point and explains the Savour name - save money, savour flavour. Theres food for thought again plays on the food idea on a literal level whilst also suggesting to the audience that it is something to think about and consider.

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