Monday 2 May 2016

Nestlé: Advertisement Research

After the WPA Pinfold portfolio review they said it would be interesting to see an extension of the Walnut Whip packaging - how it would be advertised. I thought that this was a great idea, I enjoyed the project and managed to get the best photos I've ever taken so it seems like a good opportunity to put them to use. Before beginning designing I want to research into a few different promotions for other chocolates to see what they do, how it is laid out etc...

The cream egg advertising has always been iconic, the packaging has rarely changed but it is the advertising that brings them to the forefront of everyones minds. The adverts play around with the fact that they are only around for part of the year creating a sense of urgency - get one quickly! The slogans all emphasise this point - 'have a fling with a cream egg' well a fling automatically resembles a short period of time. 'Here today, goo tomorrow' a clever play on words with goo relating to the inner egg but also to the word 'gone' suggesting that they will go quickly! People will eat 'em!

Simple but clever. The advert shows exactly when you would have smints - when you want to appear your best. The small bowtie uses the shape of the packagings dispenser to create a shirt which is associated with looking good as well as formal occasions. The lighter coloured background and white faded light keeps the viewers attention on the packaging and its promotional message.

Campaign Concept
After looking into a couple of different confectionary campaigns I want to start narrowing down what direction the Walnut Whip campaign should take. I read through a lot of thread boards about Walnut Whip to see what people are/were saying about them. I found some interesting comments on Yahoo Answers which got me thinking about the campaigns concept.

Firstly, the main argument or issue with Walnut Whips seems to be that the receipe has changed so much since when people first had it as a child. I've done some research and yes the reciepe has changed as it has changed companies and production has shifted from a smaller scale to mass production. The campaign could focus on resolving this issue, my first ideas are some kind of jokey statement like "..and you haven't changed over the last 20 years?" highlighting the fact that we all change and develop but applying this human charactersitic to a chocolate product.

The campaigns main purpose should be to re-introduce the Walnut Whips back into society, after all the reason I originally chose to do Walnut Whips was because they weren't sold in supermarkets. This will be the backbone of the campaign and should firstly re-attract old lovers of Walnut Whip and secondly appeal and intrigue a newer more contemporary audience. "quickest way back to childhood" although not that slogan, something better but along those lines promoting the idea of reminising via walnut whips.

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