Saturday 30 April 2016

Feathr: Final Designs and Submission

After quite a lot of experimentation with different colours I finally found a colour palette that works well because it has enough variety between colours but equally each colour is bold and stands its ground. 

I am really happy with the outcome I think it looks sweet as a wallpaper, the design is attractive but also practical as lining up isn't an issue and causes minimal paper wastage. The colours are a lot more vibrant and engaging in comparison to the previous dreary palette.

I have also submitted the plain black and white one as I still think this is a lovely outcome in itself. The wall paper works well in black and white because it adds detail and interest to a room without having to add colour, this means people can mix and match bright accessories or continually change the style with the reassurance that the wallpaper will work with any colours materials.

I have submitted and received a confirmation email.

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