Wednesday 27 April 2016

Feathr: Designing the Wallpaper

I am really liking how a row of Dutch houses is looking as it will look great when made into a repeat pattern.

One quick experiment was having the houses behind each other as if you were looking over a busy city. This would be more chaotic and busy - it creates an interesting affect but perhaps not one for a wallpaper.

Mocking the houses up in 4 straight horizontal lines: each line is different with the houses in different orders this is to create a range of shapes across the rooftops and leave different amounts of white space between the rows. Whilst I need to refine the design and possibly add a few more houses to create a bit more variation, the design is definitely getting there.

I wanted to create a bright but complimentary colour palette to fill in the houses with. 3 warmer colours are paired with two shades of blue to bring balance to the design. 

The colours have been kept in an order but the houses have changed each time to add a bit of variety to the mix!

Overall I really like this affect and think it will make a good wallpaper. The colour is broken up by the whites of the windows and the white space around it. The pattern should be pretty straight forward to duplicate and match up as long as the houses reach the end of the row - I will need to consider the colour pattern so that it goes from one roll of wallpaper to the next one. The design also means that not much wallpaper will be wasted when the user is hanging it as the pattern is easy to line up. 

Another idea I've had is to create a night time one where the buildings are black silhouettes with yellow lights on, this could be interesting and is something that I will explore.

To do:
• paint another house
• experiment with a night time design
• start mocking up the design in the correct format
• upload to Feathr to see if the design lines up well

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