Tuesday 26 April 2016

Feathr: Ink Drawings

After sketching out quickly how I wanted the designs to look and using the research images as a guide I begun painting some Dutch style houses. I drew them out in pencil first to get the lines straight however I outlined them in ink in free hand because I wanted a more handrendered line. The slightly bumpy, or at least not perfect, lines add character to the buildings and emphasises the fact that it has been created by hand!

Importing the ink drawings to Illustrator I was able to neaten up the designs by rasterising them and then image tracing the outline. This has removed the paper background and made the black a lot stronger. The houses have turned out a lot better than I was expecting which is a pleasant surprise and I am already starting to see how this could work as a design which is exciting. 

Alternating the houses to created a street view works well and should be relatively easy to line up as a wallpaper. I think I will do another 2 houses to add a bit more variety to the layout.

I want to create a black and white wallpaper as well as a coloured alternative. Although the colour above will not be the ones I choose, I just wanted to see how easily colour can be applied and how the houses look collectively when coloured. I will explore colour palettes that will suit the houses and would be desirable in a house as I cant imagine anyone would want the colour combo above!!

• draw another 2 houses
 • create a colour palette
• make the wallpaper pattern

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