Friday 22 April 2016

Feathr: Research

One idea I had for a wallpaper a while ago was a repeated pattern of rows of Dutch houses. I have always found the tall slim house structure interesting as each house looks quirky - no two are the same. I have selected a few different photos which show the style or shapes I want to produce. 

I want to create a 2D flat design either all in black and white or just using some key colours as I think this will work best and be most manageable. I have bought some Windsor & Newton Ink because its a good investment but will also be good for this project as the ink creates a lovely affect and the colours are vibrant and exciting. I think I will create some basic sketches first to get an idea how to use the inks and then create simple black outlines. If I do black outlines first then I can scan them and always add colour afterwards.

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