Wednesday 13 April 2016

Ringtons Tea: Initial Design Ideas

After creating the logo from the beautiful typography on the building I wanted to have a go at incorporating it into a design. I decided to start by redesigning the peppermint flavour.

I wanted to introduce a frame into the design to bring in classical elements. I designed the frame above so that it would dip in in the middle and draw the viewers eye to the type. 

Combining colour and image to create the background. I want to use an image because it shows the history in a very obvious way, it symbolises the company and their rich history.

 Experimenting with a more fancy frame, this allows more of the image to show but it leaves minimal room for design within the frame. Plus I think the white is too stark and bright, a lighter shade of the peppermint colour could be used instead.

Completely removing the frame makes the design a lot more colourful and interesting to look at. The logo is perhaps a bit too big as it would distract from the rest of the design, however this can easily be changed.


Experimenting with how the type looks and whether adjusting it makes the design more intriquing. I wanted the type to be expressive of the product showing it is packed full of flavour - however this is going against the classic British style I want to portray.

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