With the print slot on Thursday I wanted to start the lid today so that I can print a rough mock up tomorrow to check sizes etc... The box needed to include the brand name, the flavour tea and a short description so that it is obvious to anyone who quickly glances at it what it is!

Keeping a dark blue frame to tie the lid in with the sides of the lid. The mug silhouette creates an interesting space for type to be placed, I quite like how it meets the frame and joins as one. The type is the same colour as the background to create an almost cut out appearance as if the word is showing through.
Removing the dark frame gives the design so much more space to breathe! It looks better having the logo and mug spread apart. I also like that the saucer can show now as this is more consistent with the box design. Filling the mug with camomile helps to emphasise what makes up the tea as well as adding a bit of colour (or at least break from blue).
The lid overall looks good! I am happy with the outcome although the left horse needs to be flipped around. Changing the Ringtons on the side of the box to match the lighter colour opposed to the darker one has made a huge difference. It makes the brand a lot clearer to read and easier to identify from a distance.
I've quickly mocked up some tea bag tags which would dangle out of the mug - this will look good in the photoshoot. I wanted each tag to have the corresponding tea pot and obviously the teas name on one side. On the other side I wanted to include small statements related to cups of tea and the times you may drink a tea.
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