Saturday 30 April 2016

Time Management: This Week

My main focus this week has been getting Ringtons and Sainsbury's Value range finished, the print slot on Thursday was my deadline. Although it means its been a hectic week it is good to have two projects nearly finished. I plan on extending the projects by creating campaigns over the next week.

Yesterday I was able to photograph both projects although I am not as happy with the Ringtons Tea pictures but I plan to rephotograph the boxes with the campaign as part of it. However I am not too bothered because the main focus was getting the value range photographed so that I could begin working with the images to promote the new value range idea. 

Over the weekend I will begin creating the Value Range campaign and start thinking about what I want the Ringtons Tea campaign to be. I also really want to extend the Walnut Whip to show how it could be advertised to reintroduce it to supermarket shelves. I also want to get the Feathr design completed this weekend in time for Monday's deadline. I drew an extra two houses in the week so will add them into the pattern to add some variety. I will also start writing out and designing the boards for submission to support VR and RT, I want to do this over the weekend so that my design boards will be up to date for the tutorial next week.

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