Wednesday 27 April 2016

Value Range: Final Adjustments

I have begun to make final adjustments before my print slot tomorrow morning. I need to amend the packaging designs I have created to the actual dimensions now that I have bought all the products and measured the packaging. I also need to design the gravy and a sticker for the broccoli.  

Unlike the other items where I have been able to draw the products, gravy granules don't have the same appeal instead I've decided to focus around the jug. My first thoughts was to have the jug pouring out gravy, however the limit of 2 colours isn't really enough to create a good affect. Instead I have made a repeat pattern out of the gravy jug. Varying the sizes of the jugs creates an interesting pattern with the white space in between.

All the sizes have been adjusted to fit around the actual packaging. Tomorrow I will print them off as white stickers and then attach them to the products. I am not sure how the plastic bag ones will turn out i.e carrots, parsnips and potatoes purely because of how wrinkly the bags are but I can worry about that tomorrow.

One final adjustment was quickly plumping up the chicken in photoshop. The chicken was looking quite skinny and I wanted to make it bigger so it looks more delicious and appealing.

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