Saturday 2 April 2016

Time Management: A 'Brief' Reflection

Current Briefs
Currently I have just finished two briefs - Walnut whip and Feel Good Drinks, but I was pretty ill before the deadline so couldn't 1. do as much as I would have liked and 2. blog anything. So the next step will be to catch up on blogging for the two projects so that it is up to date. I also want to finish off Integrity Windows and the Value Range project so that when I start back at uni I will have a clean slate and no little bits to finish. If I can get all the design boards done for the projects then that will really take the pressure off closer to the deadline as I will know the projects would be finished. I have also been asked to make a few amendments to Autonomous Co. which I started back in September, once this is all done then I will have 6 briefs completed and just 4 more to go.

New Briefs
I need to find some new briefs, I still want to do something around packaging cosmetics as this would look good in my portfolio. I also want to look for briefs around advertising as this is something I really enjoy, the Feel Good Drinks brief was loose and allowed me to explore creating a campaign that ran alongside the packaging. This is something that I want to do again with another brief as it still has a packaging element but it also considers the bigger picture.

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