Monday 18 April 2016

Ringtons Tea: Side 2 - how to make the perfect cup

I have been working on fixing the type so that it reads better and interacts better with the mug. 

The type that doesn't change has been added on a master layer so that it remains in the same place across the designs, the rest of the type has been lined up to fit in the grid.

The steam coming from the mug has been pulled out either side to accentuate the curves making the shape look more like steam! It has also created a larger space at the bottom for the flavour drink to fit in comfortably. This has made the design a lot gentler on the eye whilst also being a linking factor now between the mug and type. 


I applied the change to the rest of the designs and it has made a big difference.  I will change the mug on the front of the box to correspond with the mug on the side.

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