Wednesday 27 April 2016

Olivia's Deli: Bag Design

Ness and I had a small crit about the work we have produced so far, she really likes the bag design but I still want to work on it and progress it further so we have a few different options. The brown paper bags we ordered have arrived now so I am redesigning with the correct dimensions which will make it easier to see how the design will fit and also how big it will actually print.

Simply adding in that it is a delicatessen and the address on the bottom of the bag so that people who just see the design and don't know what Olivia's is can easily find out.

Exploring having the type vertical instead of horizontal as a way of making the letters larger. I want to make the letters as big a possible so that the illustrations are clearer. This layout doesn't work as well because the word is harder to read and quite broken up.

Moving the Olivia's logo to the bottom makes the design bottom heavy.

Diagonal could be an option but again pretty squished. 

Idea 2
Another (and perhaps better) idea would be to have all the icons larger so that it is obvious what they are. Something Ness said in the crit stuck with me "its a shame they will be so small when printed" this got me thinking that actually it would be nicer for the illustrations to be bigger as we spent a lot of time creating them. The 'yum' design can be incorporated into other elements like the menus.

Keeping the Olivia's logo at the top and placing items around creates a much stronger visual affect.

Moving the logo to the centre of the design works a lot better because it makes it more of a focal point. All the products are pointing into the logo which helps to frame it and draw the viewers eye in. The design is now a lot more exciting as it is full of character. The ink outlines work really well on a larger scale as when mocked up onto the bag it looks as if it were painted on, adding to the hand made aesthetic. The design could also be printed on tea towels, T-shirts etc...

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