Monday 11 April 2016

Time Management: 6 Week Countdown!

Over the weekend I have begun organising my work schedule so that I know exactly what I have to do and how much time I have to do it. I have given the remaining briefs a time limit which I feel is an appropriate amount of time in which to complete the work. 

Currently I have completed:
• Secret 7
• Feel Good Drinks
• Walnut Whip
• Integrity Windows
• River Cottage Menu
• Autonomous. Co

I made a real conscious effort this weekend to finish the River Cottage menu and also Autonomous. Co so that starting today would be a fresh start with 6 briefs in the bag (including blogging and design boards).

Briefs left to do:
• Oliva's Deli - collaboration with Ness which I think we will start this week. I've given the project 4 weeks because I think there is a lot we could do with it and I want to have enough time to explore possible outcomes

• Value Range - I really need to get this finished now, I have given myself two weeks to finish the packaging. However the project could extend afterwards into a campaign promoting the new value range.

• Ringtons Tea - I am currently in the beginning stages of research, however this week I want to begin looking at designing so that the research and design experimentation will overlap. 

• Cosmetic - Once the other briefs are underway I will begin a cosmetic brief. I feel this is important to add variety to my portfolio, not too mention it is one of the categories that jobs seem to look for.

• Ecover - This could be a short week project to redesign the labels for Ecover, an environmentally friendly cleaning brand. I think the current design makes the look weak and not as efficient as it is.

• Feathr - Another short 1 week brief, this is a good opportunity to be creative and have a bit of fun as well as showing other skills than just packaging design.

I want to make an effort to sketch ideas neatly for the projects I am beginning so that I have conceptual sketch work to show in my portfolio or on my behance to show potential employers.

I will keep adding to the calander as time goes on as a way of organising my life. I have also booked two print slots - one on the 28/4 and one on 18/5 as a deadline to work towards.

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