The target market is the wealthy middle class who enjoy the finer things in life. They don't mind splashing out on products and demand only the best, they love authenticity. The design needs to reflect Olivia's - it should have a hand crafted element to symbolise the hands on approach, whilst also appearing refined and upmarket to mirror the target market and reflect the high quality produce.
Visual Research
I began by gathering some visual images to refer back to and gauge the style that we wanted to create.
The iconography works really well because it clearly shows the object but it the simplest way possible. Perhaps this is something we could adopt into our visual aesthetic, however the outlines should be messier (not messy but not as need and straight), more artistic to give the design more character.
Screen printing onto brown paper bags is another thing we are quite keen to do. This will be perfect to contain take away meals, the bag will also act as a promotion for Olivia's Deli when people are carrying them or eating from them etc... The space itself is quite large so this leaves a lot of room for an interesting design print, but equally a simple logo would be just as effective.

I quite like this visual aesthetic of overlaying images and type. It creates an interesting affect which is visually pleasing but also practical as it would only be a two colour print.
A print on a wrap for food is something we really want to create as this would be an essential for packaging certain types of food.
A simple and refined design using bold stripes of colour on a white background. The type is clear and compliments the black and white images.
A good example of how the final photograph could look. This is something we will need to consider - getting a strong layout for images.
Laser cutting will give a really authentic and interesting finish. We are hoping to laser cut menu boards which would be displayed on the walls behind the counters.
Ness has been working on creating a logo for Olivia's that looks refined and upper class but with a handmade element. The font chosen is called Sophia and it works really well for what we are trying to portray.
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