Saturday 30 April 2016

Value Range: Campaign Research

I found an interesting article here about how Sainsbury's invested the most money for their advertising and campaign work but still loses market shares. Interesting. There was one part which I have quoted below as it is very relevant to my own project:

“Initially built on the premise of saving money, the new wave of discounters are now a regular part of grocery shopping and have changed shopping habits forever. For instance, switching to cheaper grocery brands is again the top household tactic for saving money. Furthermore, nearly half of those cutting costs will continue to buy cheaper grocery brands even when economic conditions do improve.

“However, what is different this time is that discounters are no longer solely associated with price. They’ve been very astute at promoting the quality of their offerings to appeal to a wider range of consumers.”

Hopefully the new packaging that I've designed will help promote quality and therefore begin to break down negative associations and be used by a wider range of people.

They have quite a few different kitchen scenes with the food spread out and then these little builder men adjusting things.

#littletwists encouraging people to try different odd food combinations which also encourages them to buy extra products. Whilst some of the combos are gross and definitely not something I would try myself, the campaign does get people talking "did you see the sainsbury's advert? coffee in a spag bol!!! eww,  who'd have that?".

I like how this advert highlights how many meals you can get out of £50. 1 happy family is a nice touch and brings the advert back to family values with the family being at the core of the advertising. The campaign I will make should follow on nicely from this keeping the focus around the family and getting the most out of your money.

A similar structure of the food piled up with type - clean, clear.

Whilst sainsburys have many advertising campaigns they don't seem to have anything for their value range. I think that in the current economic climate more and more people are seeking cheaper alternatives or just ways of saving money. The campaign I will create needs to raise awareness about how cheap Sainsbury's can be and the advantages for the families who buy value.

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