Sunday 10 April 2016

Autonomous. Co: Youtube Banner

Ross has contacted me and asked if it is possible to have a banner made for them to put across the top of their You Tube page. I have never made a Youtube banner before but I can't imagine it is too hard. 

The dimensions of the banner allowed for the singular images from the GIF to be displayed in a line, this shows the flash developing as the photograph is being taken. 

Trying it in black with the idea that it would create a sharp contrast just looks garish and unpleasant to the eye.

One banner with just the logo in the centre isn't eye catching enough, it is bland and unpleasing. 

Using the final set of images which show the photograph printing instead. This does create an interesting affect with the image coming out, however I think it is better to use the flash set of images because the yellow adds colour and energy.

Adding yellow to the bottom half of the banner immediately catches your eye and makes the type stand out. The logo has been reversed for the profile picture - this contrasts against the yellow and white banner and is visually more appealing.

A second option has been created which is slightly less in your face and my preferred design. The background behind the Polaroid's has been left white and a yellow strip has been added to the bottom to compliment the flash and highlight the type.

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