Tuesday 26 April 2016

Ringtons Tea: Editing the Design

A simple adjustment: adding a dark blue rectangle underneath the type. This is supposed to resemble a table although I am thinking that I will add some detailed table legs to the side to make it more obvious. The darker background makes the type so much easier to read and makes the tea pot more of a feature - incorporating it into the design opposed to them just being there.

The designs now work a lot better, the green has been changed for a yellow as there is already a peppermint colour and a blue and I wanted a different colour to diffrentiate and stand out from the other teas.

Below you can see the front of all the boxes lined up - they work well as a set because there is enough differences to tell them apart and for each flavour to have its own design. But equally there are enough similarities to recognise they are a range of products.

Above shows one idea Ive had for a photograph - showing each box but a different side so that the pattern lines up. The design would require a wave of colour to be added to the front of the box. Whilst this looks cool in the above format I think the front becomes a lot weaker aesthetically as it removes the strong contrast.

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