Sunday 10 April 2016

River Cottage Menu: Final Outcome

Here is the final outcome for the menu brief. This has been a short but enjoyable brief, I have found it useful as it has made me question type and the hierarchy when it comes to bodies of type. The brief restricted the design to 3 colours due to costs when printing. The outcome uses black for the image background and type, and then the blue River Cottage uses for the added colour with the lighter colour being a tint of the main swatch. I felt it was important to use the shade of blue that River Cottage already identifies with as it is crucial that the menu works with their other designs and overall design image. The font used is Bree Serif, it is very similar to their own logo's font however it is slightly cleaner and more refined. 

The front of the menu uses an image of River Cottage to give the customers an idea of where the whole company began. It also acts as a reminder that River Cottage isn't a massive corporation but a restaurant that started with sustainability at the heart of everything it does. The photograph conjures up a positive image of the restaurant and its ethos in the mind of the customers. Simple silhouettes of cutlery have been used to frame the type and add some extra detailing into the design. The cutlery from a distance could look similar to corn growing out of the land, this has a good association with the company and how they source their produce. 

The main task with the back was to make the information clear and the different sections easy to identify. Lines were added either side of the categories to make them stand out first when the customer views the different foods. After that the main food item is in bold point size 11, this makes it easier for the customer to quickly skim through the menu to see what they fancy without having to read every part. The extras and what it comes with it is placed directly underneath in regular point size 10. The typography hierarchy makes the menu is easy to navigate and user friendly. The running pattern along the bottom links the design with the front of the menu as well as adding a bit of character. The information about the lunch menu is displayed in an extended box coming off the bottom boarder. Using the darker blue on top for the type and the cutlery either side adds more colour to the menu and attracts the customers eye - making sure they know the menu is seasonal.

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