Monday 25 April 2016

Value Range: Campaign Idea

I really want to extend the Value Range brief and create advertising posters to support and promote the range and new design. I have begun thinking about this now and trying to get it down on paper so that I can consider how I need to photograph my work in order to get usable photos for the campaign. 

For the campaign I want to work around a picture of all the Sainsbury's products for a roast stating how cheap it is to make for the family. A roast has been chosen because it is a classic British meal which the majority of people love - A roast is also seen as family time on a Sunday. This also works well to promote the Savour Selections brand message - saving money for the things that matter and family time. 

I like the idea of 'bringing the family together' as I think this is something that is important to, or at least desired by, most parents! A simple photograph of the range of projects would fit in with the no fuss, honest product range. 

Experimenting with different layouts of products and how the type and logo would interact with it. "Bring the family together with a classic british roast" should work better at the top of the poster as it needs to catch the viewers eye and lead them on to look at the range of produce.  Having the logo at the bottom with the slogan underneath identifies that it is a Sainsbury's range.

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