Sunday 10 April 2016

River Cottage Menu: Front Design

I have begun playing around with the front of the menu, instead of putting in each image separately and talking about each one I thought it would be easier to show them as a collection. I have experimented with the size of image and type and how they work in relation to each other. Adding in blue makes the type stand out and also ties the design into the back of the menu. 

After trying so many different layouts using the drawing I created I decided that it just wasn't working and to try using imagery instead. The photograph was made black and white so that the blue would really stand out and provide a strong background for the type. The shape was definitely improving but it still didn't look right.


I experimented with a black outline slightly off centre as if to suggest a drop shadow. Making the type and the box smaller makes it less intrusive, before it was in your face and distracting.

I mocked the menu up to see how it would look in reality. Using a chopping board background to emulate the authentic feel of a River Cottage kitchen. The menu looks alright, although there is no real interest in the piece. It doesn't make you stop and look at it. 

I wanted to incorporate more of a farm cottage vibe to the menu. I also had an idea to have cutlery going around the top circle as if they were crops growing or the rays of sun, this idea would resemble the fact that all the food that is used in the restaurant is locally grown. The design is starting to take shape however the white cutlery doesn't work - it is blurred against the background of the photo, and it looks like something separate when it needs to tie into the main design.

Changing the colour to blue links the two elements, adding a lighter tint background around the cutlery helps them to stand out against the photo.

A new shape fits around the type better as well as being less harsh (sharp corners etc). The cutlery pattern makes the menu look more personable and gives it an extra visual element.

Since the front had changed I wanted to try and do something with the back of the menu design to relink the two pieces so that the menu works as one. Adding the cutlery around the edge in a wobbly line frames the piece but perhaps makes the information a bit too squished not to mention that it looks quite nursery tale-ish. 

Breaking up the solid background into lines equally did nothing to improve the design. 

I decided to get rid of the frame and bring in the pattern that was used on the front of the menu. Running it along the bottom frames the page and links the design to the front of the menu. The boarder has been complemented with a darker blue rectangle at the top of the menu, this contains the logo and the menu category i.e lunch, breakfast, dinner. 

The black from the logo was replaced with white in order to fit in with the rest. The logo no longer steals all the viewers attention.

The menu design is a lot more interesting and engaging with the audience. I will make some minor adjustments but I think the project is pretty much there now.

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