Saturday 16 April 2016

Ringtons Tea: The Range so far

I wanted to add some imagery into the packaging to visually show what the main ingredient in the tea was. In addition it would also be a new element that contrasts from the illustrative tea pots to add more colour.

Starting with the camomile box, two flowers either side of the tea pot was too distracting; it took away from the main design. The images really need to compliment and add to it not steal the attention.

Having the flowers around the tea pot could work as a potential layout.

Either side of the cup fills in the gaps and adds something to the bottom part of the box. However the flowers are too big as they distract from the rest of the design.

These are the current designs. In the end I decided to place two of the ingredients either side of the tea pot to draw in the viewers eyes to the centre of the design. The images have also been used to fill the cup - this emphasises what the tea contains. 

I changed the tea pot for the Blackcurrant box as it was looking squished. The new tea pot is a lot better in shape and it fits in better with the other designs. I am going to continue to experiment with the type inside of it so that it better fits the pots shape.

The brand name on the lid has been simplified down by removing the backing colour. The logo now coordinates colours with the ingredients type, this has helped to balance the design and also has made the name 'Ringtons' easier to read.
* changed tea pot added in images changed the brand on the lid etc...

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