Saturday 30 April 2016

Value Range: Campaign Poster

I have decided to develop the kitchen poster further. The problem with the design is that my eyes are jumping across the page reading different bits of information. 

Flipping the layout so that the kitchen is the other way means that the products can be pushed to the right with the main bulk of information to the left. This works better because the eye naturally reads from left to right, so the most important information should be where the eye will look first. The 'for £1.50..' now follows on from the banner which helps to support the message rather than becoming the message. 

I've tried experimenting with a white and orange banner instead to reflect the value colours. The white is quite stark but I guess this is associated with the cheaper products. Whilst the colours can work well as the background the logo needs to be at the top because of its dark, black colour. The black draws the eye down to the logo and skips the information above, if the info starts with the logo then reading it should naturally follow.

Bag Transparency
The one thing that was bugging me about the design was that the plastic veg bags would be transparent. However because the products were photographed on a white background this is what shows through. To solve this problem I have traced the area on photoshop and lowered the opacity.

Originally I lowered it to 70% however as you can see above this is too transparent, you can no longer see the bag detail - it just looks odd and unrealistic.

Above are two different outcomes although I am personally swaying to the one on the right because the colouring makes the design warmed and in a sense less cheap! The white on the left design just steals away your attention just because it is such a large area of empty space. As you can see both the set of bags transparency is much better; it has made the white plastic less in your face.

Final so far:

Below is my preferred design so far. Its not finished as there is still a lot to sort with the type and spacing however this will be the design I continue to develop. The sections of the advert are viewed in the correct order - I am going to show a few different people and see what they say to the layout/ what they read and in what order.I will move the logo and bits to the top.

Making the design work vertically has allowed for the design to work in a magazine format. 

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