Tuesday 12 April 2016

Ringtons Tea: Conceptual Ideas

There are many possibilities for the Ringtons design, I want to explore a few different conceptual ideas which I can then show at the crit. After I get feedback I will narrow it down and choose one concept to work with.

1. Always a Ringtons for you
The designs would be linked with an overarching concept - However you are feeling, theirs a Ringtons for you. Each individual pack could then promote the main benefit/feeling it offers - for example Peppermint would be revitalising. This concept plays on how people feel or want to feel. The british drink tea at almost every occasion - this could work conceptually as well - whatever the occasion, theres a ringtons for you. 

2. "Just my cup of tea"
This would focus on the individual and what makes Ringtons just their cup of tea. A more personal approach may connect well with customers. The stereotype of the British tea drinker is generally considered a positive one, and even those who don’t partake will happily use phrases like ‘as English as a cup of tea’, and describe something they like or are well suited to as ‘just my cup of tea’, and things they don't like as 'not my cup of tea'.  

3. History/Tradition
Playing on Ringtons British history and the fact that they are a family business not a massive corporate one. This makes the brand a lot more personal to potential new customers. Tea culture would link in nicely to the history and tradition and it will unite customers by discussing a subject that everyone seems to have an opinion on. 

Tea is massive in the UK and whether you drink it or not you cannot deny that it is a culture of its own. I want to do some research into the Tea culture and why Brits love tea so much as this could form a strong visual concept. Milk or Water first? This is one debate people seem to argue over. Ringtons could show how to make the perfect cup of tea or play on the debate. "However you make your tea, make it with Ringtons".

Occasions - Tea is offered to guests as soon as they come into the home, its welcoming and inviting. It is offered at times of misery or sadness as a way of consoling, equally it is offered at times of celebration and happiness. Tea can be used to break the day up ie.. "11am, Time for a cuppa".


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