Monday 18 April 2016

Time Management: Organising the Briefs

Over the weekend I have colour coded the wall calendar and after a week of preparing work I have a better idea of what I need to get done. I have been able to look at each brief and plan its schedule in more detail on the calendar in order to get a better picture of when briefs need to be finished for printing and ready for photography. 

Over the next week I will begin researching for Feathr (which needs to be completed by the 2nd of May) and a Cosmetic/Health and Beauty brief. I have planned it so I will spend this week researching the two projects and generating ideas whilst finishing off Ringtons and Sainsbury's value range. I have a printing slot on the 28th of April at 10am where I plan to print off Ringtons and Sainsbury's. Hopefully I can get it all photographed on the Friday morning before meeting Daisy in the evening as this will give me more finished work to show her. I plan on editing the images and creating the design boards over the following weekend so that it gets it out of the way and the projects are officially finished. Both projects however can be extended into advertising briefs where I really want to create posters or some sort of design to promote the products. I think it will be beneficial for me to extend the briefs so that they aren't just packaging but actually have another strategic design element.

Once the two briefs are finished I will start Ecover, which shouldn't take more than 2 weeks. In the same week I will also start my booklet to support my portfolio as I will have more than enough finished work to put in it. I really want to get this finished before the 15th of May so that I can apply for the job John sent, it also needs to be finished by then so I can print on the 18th at 9am. 

I will continue to add to the calendar as time goes on and I have a clearer picture of what work needs doing. For now I have enough to work on.

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