Friday 6 May 2016

Value Range: Tweaking the posters

I've decided to revisit the promo poster for the Savour selection because something wasn't sitting quite right. I think there is a conflict between the two bits of information as they are both fighting for you to look at them first. 

Getting rid of the orange circle has cleared up the top part of the design which has helped to unclutter the poster. Placing the information below instead has improved the hierarchy meaning people read the statement about bringing the family together first and then go on to see it would only be £1.50 a head. The price is still large and easily seen however it is better for it to be secondary information because the campaign concept is about bringing family together and saving money for the things that matter not solely "look how cheap it is!". This has made the design look much better and visually more appealing, the removal of the orange circle also means more of the kitchen is showing, this hints at family life and gives the viewer a background context.

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